What is Standard & Paws (S&P) Rating Services?

S&P is a Rating System assessing the credibility of projects within the Berachain Ecosystem. It is an open-source, community-driven 150-point system meticulously designed to assess project legitimacy. Elevated scores not only signify heightened effort and coordination but also act as a reliable proxy for trustworthiness. Its ability to establish a benchmark sets this system apart, providing a solid foundation for ongoing project evaluation.

To enhance overall quality standards across the ecosystem, S&P extends the framework that projects can readily adopt and adhere to. Embracing the philosophy that a rising tide of honey lifts all bears, this initiative aims to elevate expectations and foster a collaborative environment for sustained improvement.

Why did THJ create Standard & Paws?

Navigating the expanding network ecosystems, particularly within Berachain, has become increasingly challenging. The surge in new projects overwhelms the community, making thorough research on each project difficult. Furthermore 🐻, as new members join the ecosystem, they find themselves inundated with many protocols and products.

This influx often leads community members to assess projects using only surface-level criteria such as protocol TVL, funds raised, etc. Unfortunately, this approach fails to provide potential users with a comprehensive understanding of the project's true standing.

S&P aims to offer a complete 360-degree view of projects through clear and concise reports. In unique cases, these reports serve as a vital tool for the community, enabling them to differentiate projects driven by genuine commitment from potential low-effort scams.

<aside> ⚠️ While S&P doesn't guarantee absolute protection against scams and rug pulls, it is a valuable tool for navigating the Berachain ecosystem with enhanced security. Acknowledging that malicious actors may evolve alongside the S&P open-source framework, possibly devising more sophisticated scams is crucial.


How does Standard & Paws work?

S&P Framework

To maintain objectivity, S&P ratings are curated by the S&P community contributors. Community members can assess the project and apply their assessment to the review. Once an assessment aligns with the minimum quality criteria established by the S&P team, it receives approval, gets published on the S&P platform, and becomes accessible for review by the wider audience. Active community members who consistently evaluate projects may earn the Official Community S&P Assessors designation.

Become a Community Assessor [LIVE NOW 🔥]

Earn rewards for completing assessments!

Community Assessor Program

<aside> ☘️ S&P Seasons #0



S&P assessments database:

S&P Ratings

S&P Projects Database